Our Mission
The mission of the Philippine School in Greece directly reflects the school’s vision statement and embraces the Academic Mission of the school.
It seeks to:
Create a culture of achievement and positive reinforcement at all levels of ability.
Adopt a forward-looking and innovative approach which reflects our awareness of current and future trends without sacrificing traditional strengths.
Provide qualified staff who are themselves open to learning and who are given extensive training opportunities for c continuing professional development.
Provide a quality learning environment with a happy, vibrant atmosphere, and within the sense of purposeful learning and a climate of open and friendly communication, mutual trust and respect.
Educate the whole student by providing opportunities in breadth and depth for the concurrent development of all dimensions like – emotional, spiritual, academic, cultural, moral, linguistic, physical and creative.
Discover and develop the unique talents and abilities of and vision of the school. Each individual, in accordance with the philosophy.
Our Vision
At PSG we educate and nurture the whole child, providing opportunities for each child to discover and develop their unique talents and abilities in a variety of areas including emotional, spiritual, academic, cultural, moral, linguistic, creative, and physical well-being.
We create a culture of achievement within a vibrant and stimulating learning environment ensuring positive reinforcement at all levels of ability through appropriately differentiated expectations.
Our vision is for PSG children to stand on their own as lifelong learners, growing in confidence and independence prepared to be a major contributor for the future.
To shape younger and older students through their academic, social program and spiritual well-being that may be capable of interpreting the world and making decisions supported by the core values and develop character, dignity their family and supporting their nation.
Our Core Values
5C: Care, Commitment, Collaboration, Communication, Competence
We will teach to the agreed upon course objectives and provide evidence of student achievement of those objective.
We will make full use of the instructional tie and programs allotted to us.
We will demonstrate our belief and expectations that all students can achieve the objective of the courses to which they are assigned.
We will help to insure an orderly atmosphere that is conducive to learning throughout the school building.
We will treat all members of the school community with respect.