Institutional Objectives:
- We aim to provide a holistic approach, where in the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural values we espouse are embedded in every aspect of school life.
2. We aim to foster and develop a caring community where everyone feels respected, valued and happy.
3. We aim to embrace the educational goal of the school such as:
We aim to sustain and nurture the close partnership between home school, and the community.
Autonomous Learners
We aim to develop self-motivated learners with an inquiring attitude who aim for highest standards in all what they do.
Learning Environment
We aim to create a stimulating and happy environment in which all children can fulfill their potential and in which we celebrate their achievements in all areas.
Respect for All
We aim to establish a courteous, caring and disciplined community in which self-respect, self-discipline, and sense of responsibility are fostered along with concern for others so that children are supported by one and each other.
Curriculum for Achievement
We aim to provide a program that is appropriate to the needs of each child that best develop successful learning strategies which prepares them for the next stage of their education.
The standards of criteria provided for in this Manual comply with the minimum requirements as prescribed by the labor law of hte host country, Greece, in complement with the labor law of the Republic of the Philippines. It also abides by the Manual of Policies, Standards and Regulations of Philippine School Overseas.
The administration of PSG shall adhere to the general provisions of the Inter-Agency Committees on Philippine School Overseas (IACPSO) following the implementing guidelines stipulated in the Manual of Policies, Standards, and Regulations for Philippine School Overseas (PSO). It is composed of the Board of Management, Coordinators, Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff.